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Chairman of the MPR RI: Changing the Reference of Papua’s Armed Groups to OPM is Correct

Jakarta – The Chairman of the MPR RI and Vice Chairman of the Golkar Party Bambang Soesatyo (Bamsoet) supports the decision of the TNI Commander General Agus Subiyanto to change the reference of the Papua Armed Criminal Group (KKB) to the Free Papua Movement (OPM). This change is deemed more in line with the reality on the ground.

“We can discuss human rights matters later, once we have successfully eradicated them,” said Bamsoet.

Not only does he support this change, but he is also ready to defend it if anyone links law enforcement in Papua to human rights issues. He reminded that the actions of the TNI in Papua are carried out based on constitutional mandates, namely to protect the entire nation and all territories within Indonesia.

The reference to OPM is stated in the Decree of the TNI Commander Number STR/41/2024 dated April 5, 2024, with the reason being that armed groups in Papua identify themselves as the West Papua National Liberation Army (TPNPB). In other words, these groups are separatists.

“All separatist and terrorist movements in Indonesia must be eradicated completely. Do not allow separatist and terrorist movements to thrive in Indonesia,” he continued.

He also added that besides taking decisive and measured actions, the government also needs to continue building dialogue with regional governments, traditional leaders, ethnic groups, religious groups, youth, and various other community leaders in Papua. Dialogue is essential to produce comprehensive solutions for a safe and peaceful future for Papua.

“The resolution of armed group issues in Papua must be done comprehensively. In addition to decisive actions by security forces, the government must continue to seek solutions through dialogue with a cultural and welfare approach,” he concluded.

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